
Welcome to Grantseeker!

Grantseeker is an online, all-in-one grants management tool that helps nonprofits and individuals create and manage tasks, track all of your grant applications and keep your whole team on the same page.


Grantseeker provides you with tools to help you effectively manage your grants and applications. Through Grantseeker, you can prospect for new funding opportunities, organize and track funder and grant requirements, create and assign tasks among your team, and stay on top of payments, reports, and deadlines.

Grantseeker also helps you tell better stories seamlessly. While stories will not replace numbers, they will bring those numbers to life, engaging foundations in your on-the-ground reality in a way never before possible.

Get more of your time back so that you can focus on achieving your mission and continue to build fruitful relationships with your funders with Grantseeker.

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