Premium Plan
Google Drive

Google Drive Integration

Note: this is a paid Premium feature. (opens in a new tab) To learn more about our Premium features, please visit our Pricing (opens in a new tab) page. 

Grantseeker allows you to set up Google Drive Integration. By setting up this integration, you can connect any file in Google Drive to a record in Grantseeker.

Connecting Google Drive

Adding a new program is as simple as a few mouse clicks! To begin:

  1. Navigate anywhere in Grantseeker where you can attach/upload a document
    1. Request/Grant record
    2. Funder record

2. Click the "+ Document" button, and choose "Upload from Google Drive"

  1. Choose which Google account you would like to connect, or log in to a different Google account

  1. Allow access to your Google account, and choose which file you would like to attach to your Grantseeker record

Document Preview

View the attached Google Drive files, or any other documents, by clicking on the file to get a preview. From the preview, you can then choose to download the document for a future use.



If you wish to limit access to certain documents, you could use Google Drive (which does include access privileges at a per user level), and link the files to Grantseeker. Teammates with access to the files would be able to open them directly from Grantseeker, but teammates that you haven't shared access with would just see an error if they tried to access the files.