Getting Started
Bulk Data Imports

Bulk Imports

If you have an existing Grants program, you will likely want to take advantage of our Bulk Imports feature, which you can find at Settings > Bulk Import Records (opens in a new tab)

Importing Funders

You can import as many Funders as you want via CSV. We provide a template which will make your life much simpler! You can get stared here (opens in a new tab).

  • Download the csv template provided
  • Add you data to the template
  • Upload your populated csv file
  • Review the 'preview' for any errors

Starting Fresh? Consider the 'Regular' approach!
If you do not have existing Funder data, you might consider using the normal "Add Funder" functionality. This will help ensure you have the correct information for each Funder: Add New Funders (opens in a new tab)

Importing Grants

You can import bulk Grants / Requests in much the same way as Funders: get stared here (opens in a new tab). Make sure to note the required fields.

As with Funder imports, it is highly encouraged that you work from the templates provided to minimize the amount of manual mapping required.